Better Business Cases Practitioner Exam
Last Update Feb 7, 2025
Total Questions : 95
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Answer the following question about spending objectives for the Pittville project.
The following questions include only true statements about the Pittville project, but only 1 statement is an appropriately defined
SMART spending objective for the stated outcome.
Which is an appropriately defined SMART spending objective for increased 16-18 year-old learners participation?
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about the development of the Strategic Case for the Pittville project.
Topland Local Education Authority (LEA) has been asked to put forward a representative to attend
Workshop 1. The agenda for this workshop is to determine the case for change and options for service delivery.
Is this an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for this project?
Using the extract below from the Capital Profile for the new campus, answer the following questions.
(Note. The figures entered are correct).
Which 2 details should be defined when determining the potential business scope?
Using the Scenario and the information below, answer the following questions about the creation
of the short listed options for the Pittville project.
Spending Objectives
At least 15% increase in rate of participation
A 15% increase in attainment of qualification
At least 65 education courses
Critical Success Factors
Strategic fit and business needs - fit for purpose schools and universities attractive to 16-18-year-old
Potential Value For Money
Supply side capacity and capability
Potential affordability
Potential achievability
Remember to select 2 answers to each question.
Scoping Solution 1: 'Current level of participation, 55 education courses and current qualification
success rate'
Which 2 statements are correct about this entry in the Options Framework?
Springbank School has been hugely oversubscribed so has decided to expand its further education unit. It is working formally with
Battledown School to reduce course duplication and to potentially offer a greater range of education courses. The Governors from
Springbank School feel that these scheduled changes need to be reflected in the Pittville project FBC, even though Springbank
was not a shortlisted option.
Should the FBC be updated with the Springbank changes?
Topland LEA's preference to close Pittville High School has been listed as one of the Spending Objectives.
Is this an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for this project?
Which 2 attributes demonstrate that this option supports the key CSF Supply-side capacity and capability?
Answer the following questions about the content of the Commercial Case and the Financial Case for the Pittville project.
Which detail should be explained in the Commercial Case?
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about scoping the proposal and preparing the Strategic Outline Case for
the Pittville project.
Decide whether the approach is appropriate for stage 1, and select the response that supports your decision.
There is a risk that the local planning authority may reject proposals for development of the Old Fire Station Headquarters site. This
will cause delays to the project.
Should this risk be recorded as an external non-systemic risk within the Strategic Outline Case?
The Financial Appraisal includes a sensitivity analysis of the new campus based on varying forecasts for future demand.
Is this an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for the project?
Which 2 attributes demonstrate that this option supports the key CSF Potential value for money?
Service Solution 1: 'Do minimum - introduce learning network to
existing schools and universities only'.
Which 2 statements are correct about this entry in the Options
Using the Scenario, answer the following question about the development of the Strategic Case for the Pittville project.
Lines 1 to 4 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify the appropriate
option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.
The option to 'Develop a new campus on the site of
the Old Fire Station Headquarters' should be
captured on the long list within the Strategic Case.
'Underachieving on success rates for qualifications'
should be captured under the business need
heading in the Strategic Case.
'Development of learning provision for 14-19-year-
olds in Pittville' should be recorded as a key service
The number of students accommodated by each of
the current learning providers should be detailed in
the Strategic Case.
a) The purpose of the long list is to identify a wide range of
options that meet the spending objectives, potential
scope and benefits criteria.
b) The business needs in a Strategic Case should include
deficiencies in current provision.
c) The key service requirements in a Strategic Case
should set out the existing arrangements and explain
how services are currently organized, provided and
d) The critical success factors essential to the successful
delivery of a scheme should be included in a Strategic
Spending objectives, existing arrangements and business needs are now being considered for the Pittville project.
Which entry is NOT a business need?
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Proposed key contractual clauses heading?
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Potential for risk transfer heading?
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about scoping the proposal and preparing the Strategic Outline Case for
the Pittville project.
Decide whether the approach is appropriate for stage 1, and select the response that supports your decision.
When preparing the Strategic Outline Case, the need to address the number of education courses available to 16-18-year-olds was
considered to be sufficiently large and stand alone to form a project.
Was this an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for this project?
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions.
What should be prepared to demonstrate how the Pittville project will fit with other initiatives, such as the development of Work Based Learning throughout the Western Area?
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about the Financial Appraisal of the option to build a new campus on
the site of the Old Fire Station Headquarters.
Decide whether the action taken represents an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for this project and select the response
that supports your decision.
The cost of the temporary accommodation on the site of the Old Fire Station Headquarters has been treated as a revenue cost within
the Financial Appraisal. This temporary accommodation is required as part of the construction of the new campus.
Is this an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for the project?
Answer the following question about the costs identified when preparing the Economic Appraisal for the short list options
for the Pittville project.
Column 1 contains a list of the costs identified. For each cost in Column 1, decide if the cost should be included in the Economic
Appraisal and select from Column 2 the type of cost it represents. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than
once or not at all.
Column 1
1) The additional on-going cost of electricity for the Pittville
University development.
2) The money spent to date on the Old Fire Station
Headquarters site feasibility study and legal advice.
3) The cost of a stand-alone technology cabin with a
separate contract for specialist call-out support, paid on
an as-needed basis.
4) The Highways Department will have to upgrade the
access road to the Old Fire Station Headquarters site.
However, this cost will NOT count against the Pittville
project budget.
The Old Fire Station Headquarters site was to be sold
but will now be used for the new campus. It is owned by
the Council so there is no cost.
6) The car park at Pittville University will need to be
expanded if over 1,500 students attend the university.
Column 2
A)NOT included in the Economic Appraisal
B)Fixed cost
C)Variable cost
D)Semi-variable cost
E)Step cost
There is a need to meet regulations that address the needs of those with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
Should this item be recorded as a dependency within the Strategic Outline Case?
The Financial Appraisal includes an estimated 60% taxation costs that are NOT reclaimable.
Is this an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for the project?
Which 2 attributes demonstrate that this option supports the key CSF Potential affordability?
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about roles and responsibilities on the Pittville project.
Which action should be completed by the sponsor for the Western Area Learning Improvements Programme?