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Cisco Updated 700-846 Exam Blueprint, Syllabus and Topics

Cisco IoT Advantage for Account Managers (IOTAAM)

Last Update May 15, 2024
Total Questions : 50

You will be glad to know that we serve better with the real exam topics related to your subject. We give you Account Manager 700-846 questions answers. You can prepare them easily and quickly. Cisco 700-846 exam dumps are also available with accurate exam content. All Exam questions of Account Manager 700-846 Exam are related to latest Cisco IoT Advantage for Account Managers (IOTAAM) topics, let’s take a look:

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Cisco 700-846 Exam Overview :

Exam Name Cisco IoT Advantage for Account Managers (IOTAAM)
Exam Code 700-846
Actual Exam Duration 90 minutes
Official Information https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/exams/current-list/iot-advantage-for-account-managers-700-846-iotaam.html
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Cisco 700-846 Exam Topics :

Section Weight Objectives
1.0 Cisco IoT Strategy and Products 10% 1.1 Describe Cisco IoT strategy
1.2 Explain positioning for Cisco IoT products
1.3 Describe the programs and incentives of Cisco IoT
2.0 Extended Enterprise Sales Motion 10% 2.1 Understand the Extended Enterprise sales play and opportunity
2.2 Describe use cases for Extended Enterprise
2.3 Explain the features of Extended Enterprise solutions
3.0 Manufacturing 10% 3.1 Explain the concerns and challenges of the manufacturing industry
3.2 Describe the IoT use cases in manufacturing
3.3 Explain product positioning for manufacturing use cases
4.0 Utilities 10% 4.1 Explain the concerns and challenges of the utility industry
4.2 Describe the IoT use cases in utilities
4.3 Explain product positioning for utility use cases
5.0 Oil and Gas 10% 5.1 Explain the concerns and challenges of the oil and gas industry
5.2 Describe the IoT use cases in oil and gas
5.3 Explain product positioning for oil and gas use cases
6.0 Transportation 10% 6.1 Explain the concerns and challenges for roadways and intersections
6.2 Describe the IoT use cases in roadways and intersections
6.3 Explain product positioning for roadway and intersection use cases
7.0 Mining 10% 7.1 Explain the concerns and challenges of the mining industry
7.2 Describe the IoT use cases in mining
7.3 Explain product positioning for mining use cases
8.0 Products and Technologies 20% 8.1 Describe how CUWRB addresses customer challenges with wireless connectivity in IoT deployments
8.2 Describe the capabilities, value proposition, and design considerations for CUWRB
8.3 Identify and qualify CUWRB opportunities
8.4 Explain the value proposition of Cisco’s industrial security portfolio
8.5 Explain positioning of Cisco industrial security with stakeholders
8.6 Describe the key features and value of Cyber Vision
8.7 Explain management tool positioning for use cases to meet customer requirements
9.0 IoT Operations Dashboard 10% 9.1 Explain the key benefits of deploying IoT Operations Dashboard
9.2 Describe services of the IoT Operations Dashboard
9.3 Describe the key features and benefits of Industrial Asset Vision
9.4 Describe the main use cases for Industrial Asset Vision
9.5 Describe the capabilities of Edge Intelligence
9.6 Explain value proposition and use cases of Edge Intelligence

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